1250 Rene-Levesque Blvd West. Suite 2200
+1 (514) 934-9281
Stockholm (4)

How It Works

Step 1

Select any products you would like to analyze

Add products from any category that you would like to get insights on. The products can be under your own brands and from any of your competitors.


Step 3

Reviews are analyzed with the SALIENTIQ proprietary natural language processing engine

From the thousands of reviews, SALIENTIQ’s proprietary artificial intelligence and natural language processing engine generates insights such as a list of the most salient attributes and consumer sentiment for each individual attribute. The platform includes demographic, geographic, and competitive insights with an easy to use interface.

Step 2

SALIENTIQ captures millions of product reviews from the web

SALIENTIQ crawls the web and captures textual reviews and comments from thousands of sources or social media platforms. These include eCommerce sites such as Amazon and Walmart, social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and blogs such as Steampowered and IGN.

Step 1

Select any products you would like to analyze

Add products from any category that you would like to get insights on. The products can be under your own brands and from any of your competitors.

Step 2

SALIENTIQ captures millions of product reviews from the web

SALIENTIQ crawls the web and captures textual reviews and comments from thousands of sources or social media platforms. These include eCommerce sites such as Amazon and Walmart, social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and blogs such as Steampowered and IGN.

Step 3

Reviews are analyzed with the SALIENTIQ proprietary natural language processing engine

From the thousands of reviews, SALIENTIQ’s proprietary artificial intelligence and natural language processing engine generates insights such as a list of the most salient attributes and consumer sentiment for each individual attribute. The platform includes demographic, geographic, and competitive insights with an easy to use interface.

The Platform Features

  • Attribute Identification
  • Product-Level Analysis
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Demographic Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Geographic Analysis

Use Cases

QUESTION: A major international gaming studio wanted to expand its market so it decided to find out the emotional reasons behind people playing video games. They asked themselves “Is the Frontierism (adventure seeking) experience a key force that drives people to play video games?

Using SALIENTIQ’s theme validation abilities, it was confirmed that a substantial portion of gamers play video games because it is another way to experience Frontierism, in this case from the comfort of their own homes. These insights will enable the gaming company to confidently identify new market segments of potential customers that can be targeted. Segments that were missed by their competitors!

  • The Frontierism theme was broken down into three sub-themes that define “frontierism” – the ability to :
    Influence outcomes | Take on a challenge | Explore
  • We analyzed over 14,000 unique reviews, which is an enormous sample size that instills a great level of statistical confidence in the results
  • The reviews came directly from the gaming company’s customers from sources such as Amazon, Steampowered, and IGN

All Reviews
(n = 14,904)
  • Frontierism
  • Other
Theme Breakdown: Frontierism
(n = 6,081)
  • Challenge
  • Exploration
  • Influence Outcome
All Reviews
(n = 14,904)
  • Frontierism
  • Other
Theme Breakdown: Frontierism
(n = 6,081)
  • Challenge
  • Exploration
  • Influence Outcome

QUESTION: An international dairy company asked “Do men value different product attributes when selecting their brand of butter as compared to women?

SALIENTIQ captured reviews from multiple sites and segmented these reviews by gender. We compared the difference in butter preferences between men and women. We took it a step further and looked at how consumers valued our client’s butter versus the competitors. The results would help the dairy company identify areas for improvement in their butter products and also areas to highlight in their marketing campaign.

  • Men and women rank butter attributes in a similar fashion, as illustrated by the ‘Top 10 Attributes…’ table.
  • However, the manner in which men and women value each attribute is quite different. Males really value the ‘Natural’ attribute of butter where as females place a lot of weight in the butter’s ‘Versatility’ (i.e. how well the butter can be used for baking, spreading on toast, cooking, etc).

Top 10 Attributes
Males Females
1 natural natural
2 price price
3 taste versatility
4 versatility taste
5 creaminess creaminess
6 spreadability spreadability
7 packaging texture
8 LTR packaging
9 texture quality
10 quality LTR

Relative Popularity Variance between Males and Females
Screen Shot 2016-05-27 at 9.17.17 AM

QUESTION: “Are our international franchises performing at the same level as the US ones?

Most restaurant franchises use mystery shoppers and other time-consuming and expensive approaches to determine whether the overall performance of their franchises is consistent around the world. Using SALIENTIQ’s Geographical Sentiment engine, we compared the performance of franchises in France and Turkey to those of the United States. The insights were generated by analyzing tens of thousands of reviews posted by customers around the globe.

While the sentiment regarding the food/meal was generally quite high for all three countries, the franchises in Turkey received substantially lower scores when it came to attributes such as the ‘Server’, ‘Atmosphere’ and ‘Location’. On the other hand, the chains in France need to drastically improve the overall ‘Service’ as the sentiment score for that attribute was very low as compared to their Turkish counterparts.

Heatmap: Sentiment Score per Country

International Fast Food Sandwich Franchise


QUESTION: What are the product attributes that consumers reference the most amongst the various leading toilet paper brands?

Toilet paper is no laughing matter! As a commoditized product, if you’re in the toilet paper business, any insights you can get on consumers buying preferences are a huge benefit to your brand. SALIENTIQ set out to identify the consumer preferences for the top 3 leaders in the toilet paper category…you’d be surprised how many opinions consumers have on their favorite toilet paper brand. These “opinions” came in the form of product reviews from websites such as Walmart and Amazon.

While the 5 most popular attributes of toilet paper are the same, the extent to which consumers care about them is quite different. For example, consumers care a lot more about the size of the toilet paper roll for ‘Brand #3’ than they do for ‘Brand #2’. Considering that ‘Size’ ranks as the 3rd most important attribute for consumers, the marketing executives of Brand #3 can use this information to ensure that the size of their products is emphasized in their packaging and even their marketing campaigns.

Top 5 Attributes
Brand #1 Brand #2 Brand #3
Softness Strength Softness
Strength Softness Strength
size size size
Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency
Remnants Effectiveness Remnants

Relative Popularity Variance among Brands

SALIENTIQ enabled us to quickly uncover new consumer insights and support these insights with a degree of certainty that had previously proven difficult.

Elliott Altilia
Strategist, Sid Lee

SALIENTIQ continues to amaze me! We are thoroughly impressed by the accuracy and depth of the consumer and product insights that SALIENTIQ delivers.

Alexey Tsyrfa
SEO & Digital Marketing Specialist, TTBA Group
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